This may be one of the most boring posts ever, but please keep reading...... I have a little business to mention.... but first: a little make-believe conversation between me and YOU!
You: Oh, hello! Long time no see! Did you drop off the face of the earth, get eaten by wild, hungry red-headed children, or simply decide ENOUGH with the blogging and decide to slowly fade away?
Me: Ha! You are so funny! (but a little right on all accounts)
You: So, what have you been up to then?

Me: Well, a little child rearing, a little home painting, a little (or a lot) laundry, a little photography, and a little sewing (believe it or not!). Actually, I'm so glad you asked ... serging is one of the things I have been doing a lot of lately. It is a sort of mindless labor -- feed the fabric through the machine, push the foot pedal, and cross my fingers that the thread doesn't break. (my industrial serger can be a little touchy sometimes and when the thread breaks -- it is a REAL pain to rethread. I wonder -- are all sergers such a pain to rethread?) Sometimes I also wonder what I did before I had a serger.....and then I remember --Oh yeah, stringy threads all over the place!
You (rather hesitantly): Oh, well....... that's nice. Why have you been doing so much serging?

Me: Oh, I thought you'd never ask! I have been sewing pillows and window seat cushions for a lady...... a real, bonified paying customer. And although the covers may never be taken off and washed (as she has such an immaculate home dirt would hesitate to invade), I sergered all the edges to make things tidier inside.

You: Oh, well....... that's nice.
Me: Right...... told you it was pretty mindless work! (I think it addled my brain a little! he he).
You: Hmmm.......

Me: Oh, and I also made this cheerful little apron for the Whitman County Library Reading Bear! Isn't she a pretty bear? Making the apron was lots of fun! I sort of had to come up with my own pattern -- so I guess that de-addled my brain a little.
You: She IS a stunning Reading Bear.
Me: That she is, that she is. Well, nice to see you! Stop by anytime! Oh, hang on! One more thing! If you'd like to see more of me you can stop by
{my other little spot} and visit with me nearly everyday. You see, this blog is kind of my "other home" -- and I don't get to visit very often. I'd love to see you there! Toodleloo!
You: Toodleloo, too!